Thursday, April 30, 2009

Favourite hm

Ouwkeyh dech (-___-) hm gw mau berbagi cerita ttg diet gw bulan ini hehe tapi kenapa ya banyak cewe yg maunya jadi kurus/langsing? padahal kalo kata cowo gw : ah ngapain sih jadi kurus, enakan kaya kamu dipeluknya enak HAHAHHAHA hm lanjut....favourite menu gw kalo diet itu ini nih

Setelah di belah

Nama : Es Krim Goreng
Harga : Rp 10.000,-
Cafe : Bakmi Legit, Pamulang (free hotspot)

HAHA kayanya sih banyak lemak&kalorinya, hm tapi 1 porsi aja udah bikin kenyang loh. Makanya gw suka nih makanan gara2 sekali beli puas hihi

trus minumannya, mineral water

Nama : Mineral Water
Harga : Rp 2000,-
Cafe : Dimana mana banyak

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

aaaaaaaa jadinya ngga jelas fufu

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Reunion at Midnight

Right to the left : Me, Vindi, Heni & Arum

LADIESSSSS -___- Oukey jadi tiba-tiba sahabat gw pada dateng kerumah gw yippi seneng abis soalnya udah bertahun-tahun ngga ketemu -----, jam 7:20an ~malem lah gw lupa. Kaget gw men, masalahnya katanya mau dtg jam 4 ~sore tapi berhubung ngga ada kabar jadi gw kira ngga jadi. & gw sama sekali ngga mandi hari kemaren, makanya pas mereka dateng gw rada2 plinplan bego bingung gitu antara "mandi malem2 apa ngga usah mandi, ntr juga tidur"

Jam 11 malem (gw rada lupa) pada kelaperan perutnya, parah ceking2 semua (kecuali gw-Vindi fufu) tapi makannya pada malem-malem ckck &itu alhamdulillah diabadikan sama arum pas tangan gw kena cipratan air panas mienya si Heni hm !^&$*%# liat dong tampangnya heni senyum2 ngga bersalah gitu eeerrr &#@$!#&(#$!@%&*^+&

Nb : Gw harus ngetag 133 foto ke facebook mereka ? eeerrr

Gws Ajeng

By : Valdis
Title : Get Well Soon my Hotty Girlfriend
Place : Ajeng's


Cakra Buana 10' yeah i found them, theyre foolish but funny ilove them guys

Nb: Valdis on the way to my house yippi!

Monday, April 27, 2009

oukey im getting stressed guys, im sick and found my home empty -_-
Now, im stuck in my dad's room
just open fb, bloopendorse, fucking blog, and google
bore to death :''(


ya absent today, be sick fufu i wish valdis would come to my room <3

Earth Day Guys

I explained oneself about global warming and earth day to my junior in EF and they just nod with my presentation he? bore to death -__-" i ask them to sign an earth day, and they are very enthusiastic yeah great!

Freaky out!

Sunday, April 26, 2009


Hunting for them


your first reaction "Ha? toys or wax?"

your second reaction "HA?CAKE?WAW COOL!"

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Last Day, Last Holiday

Oke gw udah online dari tadi pagi sampe sekarang siang (1:42 pm) &sekarang udah puncaknya pegel banget aduh coba ada valdis, tinggal minta dia duduk samping gw trus gw tiduran deh niban perutnya fufu i need you now right now...

Today, hari libur terahir dalam seminggu lebih ini. Besok harus udah bangun pagi-pake seragam-belajar (damn -_____-) jangan cepet berahir please hari ini.

Padang's Reception

The Ornaments for the wall

Padang's Umbrella ela ela

yeah 23rd anniversary, amazing right? i love you more more more and more dis, i promise :)

Hang Out -__-

Hey guys sorry for the late ya hihi gw mau cerita tentang pas gw jalan bareng Sunny-Sebas&Valdis (My Boyfriend lah) udah lama sih tapi daripada ngga ada yang dicritain ya hehe

So, I went to citos with Valdis-Sunny-Sebas, hmm thats sounds like double date right? hihi no noooo apparently no! we're confused, what will we do in citos heh? i said to them "Guys i wanna watching a movie, escortme please yaaaa?" sooo, we went to 21. i bought 4tickets for a horror movie, and i said to sunny "Relax sun, indonesian horror movie isnt dreadful right? thats will be funny sun, i swear". Sunny just nod to hear me hihi So Sunny and Sebas bought a popcorns and coca-cola for us.
Hmm, during the movie go on, Sunny kept his ears and said "Jeng im anxiety with the sounds, not the scene" and i just laughing to hear that HAHAHA thats funny sun i knew youre anxiety with the scene too (Me too sun huhu)
And Sebas just open his small eyes and hand on his popcorn, but occasionally his surprised with the sound and scene hahaha
While Valdis just huge me and said "Ah i wont to watch it, its terrify, i dont care aaaarrrgggh!"